Saturday, October 11, 2008


Green, originally uploaded by horsoon.

Green is life. Abundant in nature, green signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment.


Anonymous said...

Deep green carpet grass with gravel pathways... So which way do I head for?

Are your kiddos having year-end examinations as well? I'm suffering from parental exams-stress!! :P

Carver said...

That is a very appealing walk way. I love green in between the pavers.

Robert said...

Great texture and pattern here. And the green is brilliant.

Eki said...

This is beutiful, Horsoon. I love how you "saw" and composed these elements.

Horsoon said...

Elaine: yes it's EXAM time of the year!! All my kids are having exams - from primary, to secondary to A-level! Can u imagine how stressful it is, for the father?

chrome3d said...

That looks like an excellent place for kids to jump on.

MaR said...

This is beautiful. Love the perspective, the straight lines and the curves...