Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Breeze, originally uploaded by horsoon.

As the windy breeze fills the air
Lightly whispering through her hair
She stands beneath the tree
Embracing the future of what she sees.


Anonymous said...

Your little girl seems to be embracing the breeze in her arms :)
Love the curls of her hair.

Ya right, it's actually my son's toy crane against the window.

Horsoon, check out this Creative Photography by Roger.

eastcoastlife said...

Your little girl ah? Natural curls wor. I wish I had a daughter. :(

Tan Hong Ming is so cool! Do you want a boy friend like him for your daughter? hehe....

Horsoon said...

Elaine: thanks for the link!
ECL: that's my youngest daughter... the day she brings her boy friend home to show me? hmm...

Erin Faye said...


maryt/theteach said...

Another beauty, horsoon! :)

Barb said...

I love this photo and the poem to go along with it! Just beautiful.

I came looking for your Creative Photography entry but don't see any labeled as such.