Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Lit, originally uploaded by horsoon.

Found a modern lighthouse in the middle of the city.


sweetytots said...

nice!!!!!!!!!!!!hope you visit mine!

Princess Vien said...

wow! This is so wonderful.

Mine is up now. Hit me back if you can.

Happy WW!!

Carver said...

I've never seen anything like that before. Very interesting and beautiful.

Maya said...

Structure is strong but have scent of softness must be the light.Or how you took it.
Thanks for your visit.
Happy WW

Lilli & Nevada said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, i like this, it is very interesting

Gattina said...

That's a very special picture ! looks like modern art, lol !

Anonymous said...

nice picture - it´s really lit up as you say

Horsoon said...

Thanks for dropping by! It was shot outside the Hilton Hotel, KL.