Friday, June 21, 2013


Captain Hook
Leica M-E. Summicron-M 35mm f/2.8 1/45 ISO 1000

I'm always fascinated by the trust developed between a man and his animal friend (I don't like to use 'pets').  There're no 'sweet talks', lies, pretense or conditions.  The faithful friendship is simply built from the simple love and trust shown, and felt, by both of them.  Hey they don't even speak the same language :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Photo Factory

Portrait Factory
Leica M-E. Summicron-M 35mm. f/2.4 1/90 ISO 1250

Call me naive, callow, 'jellybean', or whatever, I've always imagined the portraits hung on my friends' walls, especially those graduation portraits - c/w scroll on hands, graduation robe, and a 'serious smile' - would have been taken in a real photo studio, in a somewhat more conducive ambience...  

But what I saw the other day... "Look at the camera and smile,"  "Next!" 

That's a boring way of being a 'Photographer'  :(