Saturday, June 12, 2010

Buddha Statue

Lantau Island , originally uploaded by horsoon.

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)


YTSL said...

That Big Buddha is a heavenly subject for photographers... ;b

Me-shak said...

Sharing is the best gift a man can give to a friend in need. I love the way you have captured this picture and it reminds me of the great amount of Buddhist statues found in Sri Lanka. Post more often.


Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed climbing up those stairs!! :P

Carver said...

Wonderful quote to go with this great shot.

Bengbeng said...

i love the words or is it scripture..beautiful

Ice said...

I was just about to ask if this was taken in Hong kong :o)

YTSL said...

Hi Horsoon --

Just put up half a dozen photos of the same subject on my blog... :b

Horsoon said...

Yvonne: what a coincidnece that I've decided to post the same statue too :) However it was very misty the last time I was there, a total contrast from yours!

Ai Shiang: ya u guessed it right, it's in HK :)

Elaine: lucky it was a very cool day, which helped alot with the never-ending stairs!

lechua said...

i recall going up the stairs on a very foggy day tooo at lantau with the buddha in the mist