Sunday, October 18, 2009


Roots, originally uploaded by horsoon.

Roots are from the seeds of the earth. Keep the trees!


chrome3d said...

It must have taken an eternity to grow those roots. Do you have snow there already?

Bengbeng said...

u made something ordinary into something interesting... i shud concentrate on learning stuff from u. i tend to take pics of ppl most of the time

Anonymous said...

Interesting perspective on roots! :)

Nature's roots are strong. They can even shoot through tiled flooring.

Carver said...

That's a beautiful shot. I love the way exposed roots look and I always hope the tree is alright.

Horsoon said...

Bengbeng: Hey I like your pics too! I'm learning too so we can always exchange ideas :)

Ice said...

Interesting! They look like worms, don't they?

Anonymous said...

Signs of beneath our feet.
Have a good weekend!! :)