Thursday, December 4, 2008


Mirage, originally uploaded by horsoon.

Are you a mirage because you seem too good to be true?


Carver said...

That's a cool shot. A reflection I suppose.

I wanted to tell you that this time of year the leaves will all be off the trees surrounding the cabin. It might be interesting to photograph it sometime this winter and show the difference.

Horsoon said...

You're right, it's a reflection on a lake.

It'll be very interesting to have some shots during the winter around your Green Cabin, to see what'll be the 'new color'!

Anonymous said...

Cool shot of reflection. Playing around with reflections are interesting and pretty entertaining :P

chrome3d said...

There is a great shape in all that shapelessness.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hypnotic photo! As for my bird walking the beach, it's actually a pretty common sight here...gulls and sandpipers to name two who do.

Indrani said...

Kind of different, i was staring at it for some time.

eastcoastlife said...

I couldn't make out what it is. I'm getting stupid.