Saturday, August 16, 2008


Morning, originally uploaded by horsoon.

Every morning the world is created.
Leaving behind all the ashes in the night and turn into leaves again!


Anonymous said...

@_@ Something happened to my first comment...error

Lots of texture in this picture :)

Has the weather been unpredictable in KL as well? It's sunny and next second..thunderstorm in SG :(

eastcoastlife said...

A new morning, a new beginning? How come I don't look any younger. :(

Carver said...

That's a great shot. It almost looks like a silkscreen.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo with a beautiful sentiment! Did you write that?

Robert said...

I love these looking up shots. Nicely done. :)

YTSL said...

Very cool! A question: You thinking of taking part in Photo Hunting? If not, wanna consider trading links? (This way, I'll remember to visit your blog from time to time! If so, please drop me a line at my blog or via e-mail.)