Sunday, December 14, 2014

Capturing Art

Leica M-E. Summicron-M 35mm

There are places where photography is prohibited, like in some concerts, museums, art galleries, and even some buildings (heard about the Eiffel Tower lately?).  

I was once stopped from taking pictures of an old structure at KLPAC by their security.  I wrote an email to them and I was told I could take the pictures if I were to pay a fee (they were talking thousands of Ringgit), as "it's private property".

Leica M-E. Summicron-M 35mm

Restrictions on flash photography in a museum/gallery/concert I can understand, but no photo taking at all is bad (don't get me started about KLPAC); isn't art is all about sharing?

*About Eiffel TowerKLPAC.

"Learn Digital Photography with Geoff Lawrence"